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Mutilations Genitales Feminines: adoption au Mali de la Declaration de Bamako pour l’abandon des MGF Continua

Excision / Emma Bonino: a la Conference de Bamako la participation de plus de 1.200 femmes de toute la region depasse toute expectative Continua

MGF/Bonino: a Bamako la partecipazione di olte 1.200 donne da tutta la regione va oltre ogni aspettativa Continua

Emma Bonino au Mali pour l’ouverture de la Conference sur les Mutilations Genitales Feminines et la mise en oeuvre du Protocole de Maputo organisee par No Peace Without Justice Continua

Emma Bonino in Mali to open the Conference on Female Genital Mutilation and the implementation of the Maputo Protocol organised by No Peace Without Justice Continua

Emma Bonino in Mali per l’apertura della Conferenza su Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili e attuazione del Protocollo di Maputo organizzata da Non c’è Pace Senza Giustizia Continua

MGF: "Non c'e' Pace Senza Giustizia" promuove una nuova iniziativa in Mali per accelerare l’attuazione del Protocollo di Maputo Continua

Conferenza Sub-Regionale: "Le mutilazioni genitali femminili e l'implementazione del Protocollo di Maputo" Continua

Yemeni Parliament to discuss ratification of ICC Statute. Important step in Arab world in fight against impunity Continua

ICC: African States Parties to the Rome Statute reaffirm their commitment to justice and their support to the ICC Continua

US: NPWJ decries criminalisation of IHL training Continua

Uganda: Stop homophobic campaign launched by Rolling Stone tabloid Continua

MENA democracy: No Peace Without Justice will promote a partnership initiative between governments and civil society at the fifth Forum for the Future ministerial meeting in Abu Dhabi Continua

NPWJ welcomes launch of ICC investigation as an important step towards ending impunity in Kenya Continua

NPWJ commemorates the fifteenth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide and calls for the arrest of Ratko Mladic Continua

NPWJ congratulates the 9th ASP to the ICC for calling on a stronger international criminal justice system Continua

NPWJ welcomes release of detained Zimbabwean human rights activist Continua

Egitto: Non c’e’ Pace Senza Giustizia si congratula con Saad Eddin Ibrahim, dissidente egiziano in esilio, dopo la decisione della Corte d’Appello di ribaltare la sentenza, basata su false accuse, che lo condannava a due anni di reclusione Continua

Uganda: LGBTI activists sue the Rolling Stone tabloid. Uganda High Court issue an interim order to cease publication Continua

Sudan: ICC States Parties should not attend the inauguration of President Al-Bashir Continua

NPWJ and the ALDE Group organize a roundtable discussion on LGBTI rights in Uganda at the European Parliament Continua

ICC/DRC: No Peace Without Justice welcomes the opening of the trial against Thomas Lubanga as a landmark in the fight against impunity Continua

ICC: No Peace Without Justice welcomes the confirmation of charges hearing against Jean-Pierre Bemba as an important step in the fight against impunity Continua

NPWJ commemorates the fourteenth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide and calls for the arrest of Ratko Mladic Continua

MENA democracy: No Peace Without Justice stands in solidarity with Professor Saad Eddin Ibrahim Continua

Istanbul Workshop on the role of private sector and corporate social responsibility in the bMENA region Continua

Haiti: NPWJ welcomes the inauguration of Independent Commission of Inquiry into Les Cayes prison killings Continua

Sri Lanka: NPWJ calls for access to witnesses and sites for UN Panel Continua

Egypt: No Peace Without Justice congratulates exiled Egyptian dissident Saad Eddin Ibrahim after Court’s decision to overturn a two-year prison sentence based on flimsy charges Continua

CPI/RDC: Non c’è Pace Senza Giustizia accoglie l’apertura del processo contro Thomas Lubanga come una tappa storica nella lotta contro l’impunità Continua